21 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi

Whew!! We've had a very busy past couple of weeks learning about water plus trying to get ready for the end of the year!!  Only 2 more weeks to go!! We are really excited to show off our work...

Anyway,  Last week our theme was "Water". We learned a lot about it. First, we talked and brainstormed about "what would happen, if there were no water". Kids replied this question with a variety of answers. Trust me, there were many creative ones among them;)  But, actually the answer should be that: "Clouds will be useless since they will not carry and drop water. If there is no water cycle, all plants,animals,and human life would not exist."

Besides, we discussed  with kids, what happens to water after it rains or where water comes from, it can be hard to explain the water cycle in terms kindergarten students will understand. But, we tried to find out water cycle through art activities, experiments, games and stories.

Here are some photos from our last weeks activities.

In this activity we separated the objects whether they float or sink.

After thinking for a while, we started off...:)

That' s all for this week, we are looking forward to share new information with you in the following weeks. We wish you a great week.:)))


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